Custom Insurance

Personal & Business Insurance in Southern California

The Value of Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIn

Social Media

Hi readers, this week we are introducing something that we would like to have every month: A guest blogger. Albert Medina is a Computer Technician located in the South Bay and he has helped me and my business stay up to date on website technology and social media websites. Today he will be writing about the Value of Social Media sites such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIn.

Hi, my name is Albert Medina, I am 30 years old from the Los Angeles area, now living in the South Bay. I own Southbay Computer Services in Hawthorne, California and I have over 15 years of experience in the computer and internet world. Now that you know who I am, I want to talk about what the value can be behind having a social media page. Keep in mind that you should be responsible when using public forums such as these, and I recommend that parents spend time with their kids on the computer to teach them.

Facebook is known as the place for friends and family. This is a great place to get news that your friends and family share. I think of this as a more intimate place to explore relationships. Find out about local events, businesses, and even ways to save money. Use privacy options to share only what you feel comfortable sharing about yourself. Facebook makes it easy to share photos with your friends and has a great app for smart phones. Recently it has become essential to have a Facebook account if you are involved in any groups as they are moving away from using email to notify members.

Twitter is a great place to meet new people and share ideas with them. Think of this as a wall to broadcast your ideas. I want to share a great example of someone I was interested in following on Twitter recently. @HiddenCash was spreading money around the L.A. and beach areas. I found out about it on the news. I was able to subscribe and get live updates about new locations to find free money. This works great as long as you have something very interesting to share with your audience. You will get people tweeting about you and following your updates. Very useful.

Instagram is the place to be mobile and share photos in a true sense of the idea. This is all about the images and the stories they tell. You know what they say, a picture is worth 1000 words. Instagram popularity is through the roof with celebrities sharing great stuff and companies are getting on board trying to tune into the lifestyle of it’s customers. The concept is simple. Follow people that you like and they will share their photos with you. You often find great comments and conversations about the photos too, and it’s easy to know how popular a photo is by looking at how many people ‘Like’ the pic.

Lastly I want to talk about the most professional social media on the web: LinkedIn. Linked In is fast growing and for good reason now that they have redesigned their website with tons of features. Would you be surprised to learn that people are getting jobs by posting their resume on LinkedIn? That’s the reality of job hunting in 2014. If you are a business-oriented person then look no further than this social site. People can vouch for your job skills and you can communicate easily with new and existing professional individuals. Here you can have a living resume and portfolio that you can keep building and growing upon as you grow.

Here at Custom Insurance we want to bring you information that will be helpful in your everyday life. We hope this article on the Value of Social Networks was helpful to you. We look forward to have more guests, once a month, who will bring their insight, knowledge, and expertise to the Custom Insurance Blog. That’s all we have this week, please like, comment, and subscribe. We will have a great post ready for you next week!